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The Beit

Operating out of the Beit, informal Jewish Education at Immanuel works in total synergy with the formal department. Shabbatonim are offered for years 7, 10 and Sixth Form, special days such as Yom Ha'atzmaut and Purim are always celebrated and marked appropriately, special Bar and Bat Mitzvah programmes are implemented for Years 7 & 8, and a range of break time informal learning activities ensures that the Beit is always buzzing. Additionally a member of the informal education staff is always available for discussions with students. We view the Jewish Life of the school as a vital part of the overall enriched Jewish experience that an Immanuel College pupil enjoys at school.

Our most successful programmes include a variety of inspirational external speakers, Lunch and Learn, extended morning prayers, 1:1 tailored learning opportunities and the Shabbaton which is one of the highlights of any school year. An uplifting Shabbat is spent in school by individual year groups, to help forge friendships and introduce students to the beauty of a communal Shabbat. Sixth Form and Staff help make this a whole school experience and the benefits are seen in the classroom and beyond. 

Every Jewish festival is studied as part of the Formal curriculum and the Beit team take the opportunity to run events outside of the classroom, such as creating edible Sukkot, packaging fruit baskets for GIFT to distribute and an immersive escape room for Pesach.

Purim is always a special day at Immanuel, filled with exciting activities and opportunities to fulfil the four Mitzvot at school. We run a number of Megillah readings, including a Megillah read by and for girls.

Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, is a chance for the school community to celebrate the State of Israel and its contributions to the world. The day begins with a Musical Hallel during Tefilla, followed by assemblies and time off timetable to allow all members of the Immanuel family to engage with Israel’s history, culture and contributions.